What is merino wool? Merino sheep in fiel by mountain, merinos wool clothing

What is merino wool?

Why it is a true gift of nature
Merino wool
Where is it coming from?

It is a type of wool obtained from Merino sheep, a breed of North African origin that was also bred in Spain before being found just about everywhere. Merino sheep are now bred in Australia, New Zealand, the United States, Europe and South America.

The famous merino is known for its ability to adapt to both cold mountainous regions and hot desert areas. The secret is its insulating wool, which gives it this adaptability, and this is the point of interest in merino wool.

Where is merino wool coming from

The incredible benefits of merino wool

Merino wool regulate body temperature

Regulate body temperature

It's fibers are incredibly insulating, keeping you warm in winter and cool in summer. This thermal characteristic of merino fibers is based on two main principles, the first being the ability of the wool to capture air bubbles which prevent heat from escaping the body and blocking heat from the outside from passing through to the inside.

Merino resistant to odors

It resist odors

The bacteria responsible for bad odors are destroyed by the protein molecules of the wool fibers, due to its particular structure. This makes it difficult for them to cling to the fibers and multiply, unlike synthetic fibers where bacteria and their excrement accumulate and release bad odors. After an activity, it is therefore sufficient to air the garment well to be able to use it again the next day without any unpleasant odor.

Merino wool is breathable fabric

Keep you dry and sweat-free

wool can absorb up to 35% of the weight of water and moisture. If the surrounding air is warm, the moisture is dried more quickly, producing a vaporization effect which leads to a cooling effect, known as evaporative cooling.

Merino wool is soft, the benefit of merino wool

It is soft

It is beautifully soft and pleasant to the touch, the fibers are so fine that there is no problem with rubbing when they come into contact with the skin, in fact, they are 16.5 to 19.5 microns - 1 micron is equal to 1 in a thousandth of a millimeter - much less than 25 microns at which our skin can scratch.

merino wool is 6 time stronger then cotton

It is strong

It is 6 times stronger than cotton. Each fibre can be folded over itself more than 20,000 times. For comparison: cotton fibre breaks after being folded 3,200 times.

Merino wool is natural

It is natural

It is also biodegradable, recyclable and does not require any chemicals for its treatment, especially since products made from it require less frequent washing, which is also favorable to the preservation of water resources.

Sustainable fiber

In terms of sustainability, merino wool is completely natural, sustainable and 100% ecological. Merino sheep are stretched once or twice a year, the operation is done in warm seasons and in conditions that do not cause them any harm. The coat of the merino sheep grows back naturally, it would be enough to satisfy the basic needs of the sheep in grass, water, sun etc.

Merino wool is a sustainable fabric

Wool at it's best

Merino wool might look similar to any other type of regular - sheep - wool, however, the quality and softness of the fibers is incomparable. Merino wool is particularly thin, pleasant to the touch and suitable for all skin types as it does not cause any irritation or allergies. In contrast, regular wool is relatively thicker, often quite prickly and warm as it does not have the same insulating properties and would not be suitable for different temperatures.

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